
Career Evolution

We Help You Turn Your Career Vision Into Reality!!

Discover the actionable improvement strategies

Way to read the interviewer's mind

Uncover your strengths, passions, and potential career paths

Create a strategic Job Hunting Planning and Tactics

Enhancing Leadership and Management Skills

Transforming Adversity into Opportunity

Let's work together to reach them:

Action-Oriented Coaching
For individuals with unclear goals seeking support in job hunting or career transitions.
4 x 30-minute Online Career Coaching

Package Price: HK$2200

Career Exploration Journey
For individuals aspiring to reach new heights in their careers or explore fresh career opportunities.
4 x 60-minute Online Career Coaching

Package Price: HK$3500

Career Mastery Coaching
For individuals aiming to elevate their career in every aspect - from enhanced performance to improved leadership and beyond
60-minute Online Career Coaching

Session Price: HK$1080

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